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Get Out Your Way Podcast

No Marketing = No Sales – with Janet Murray – 006

Marketing …. such a small word but one that can have a major impact on your business.


But when do you do it?


Just whenever you’ve got some spare time?


Or do you do it each & every day … consistently?


Because for most business owners … without marketing … you’re without sales and therefore could be without a business!


Well lucky for you, today I’m bringing you Janet Murray, who helps business owners get better at marketing so they can make more money.


The chat was seriously flowing in this podcast episode … that it turned out to be an extended episode (extra lucky for you).


You’ll get to hear about Janet’s inspiring journey from being an editor & journalist for many national newspapers & magazines, to what she focuses upon in her growing business.


Plus, we explore why many small business owners & entrepreneurs get in their own way when it comes to marketing their business.


All throughout the episode, there’s many golden nuggets of practical tips & wisdom, which I promise you that you’ll love.

Warning – some of them may slap you in the face (in a well intentioned way) … including why it could be down to your EGO that you’re not putting yourself out there as much as you’d like & how people actually don’t really care about … YOU!


So definitely tune into this episode because your business & future customers will thank you for it.


As always be sure to drop a comment below & let me know your biggest insights & actions from it.



Here’s the links & resources for this episode:
* Find out what your Entrepreneurial Superpower by taking the Wealth Dynamics test.
* Janet Murray’s Twitter @Jan_Murray
*Janet Murray’s Instagram @JanMurrayUK
* Janet Murray’s Facebook Page – JanetMurrayUK

P.S – You’ll see how there’s opportunities all around you to create content that could help your marketing even more … so keep your eyes peeled.