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Get Out Your Way Podcast

Do you believe your internal stories & beliefs? – 010

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Remember how excited you’d be the night before Christmas?  You’d get to bed super early, after leaving out treats for the big man in the red suit & his pals?


It’s amazing how our beliefs & the stories that we have in our minds can totally impact, what we think, feel & do.


But are they really real?


Can they change?


Are your current beliefs & stories helping you grow your business … or are they sabotaging you?


That’s exactly what we’ll chat about in today’s podcast episode.


So if you want to get out your way & ensure you’re not carrying around the 3 most common limiting beliefs that I see negatively impacting lots of small business owners & entrepreneurs, tune in now.


Here’s 2 powerful questions that you can use to start shaking up any of your limiting beliefs.

  • ‘How has that belief held me & my business back so far?’

  • ‘If I don’t let this go now, what impact could it have on me & my business?’


If you’d like my help in really diving deeper into letting go of your limiting beliefs, find out & book an ‘Unstuck Coaching Session’ with me here.


Get ready to kiss those beliefs goodbye … or stuck your fingers up at them … it’s your choice 🙂


Here’s the links & resources for this episode:

* Take the FREE Business Growth Blocks Quiz here:
* Find out what your Entrepreneurial Superpower by taking the Wealth Dynamics test.
* Join the FREE Facebook Group to access other resources & connect with like-minded business owners here:
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Just think about how your life & business will be when you let those old limiting beliefs go!

Best wishes as always.

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