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Get Out Your Way Podcast

Your Brand Before Logo with Lucy Griffin-Stiff – 014

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Last weekend we took the boys to see Incredibles 2 & as I waited in the ice cream queue, I decided to do some eavesdropping.


‘Can I have a scoop of cookie dough & chocolate fudge brownie please’;

‘I’ll have chunky monkey & strawberry cheesecake please.’  (bizarre combo if you ask me);

‘2 scoops of mint-choc chip please’.


Guess what …. not one single person in front of me ordered vanilla!


I must have looked a bit bizarre to my fellow cinema-goers because I started to chuckle out loud.


As this is exactly what Lucy Griffin-Stiff & I were chatting about only a few days earlier, when we were recording the latest podcast episode for you.  


She summed it up sweetly with these wise words when it comes to branding & business …

‘A mistake a lot of people make is they just go too vanilla for the mint-choc chip lovers’!


Think about it … are you often playing it safe by going too ‘vanilla’ in your business & marketing … but really you’re just blending in & being too bland?


Our conversation didn’t just end up there, as Lucy dives into why it’s so important to focus on Your Brand Before Logo … when in fact most business owners do it the other way around.


You’ll also hear Lucy bring to life the 4 key ingredients you need when it comes to your messaging & brand, from her experience as a communications expert.


‘Heart + Soul + People + How/What/So What + Special Sauce (USP) = Message’


So if you want to ‘transform your business from just another … to the obvious choice’, then tune into this episode right now.


Remember the podcast is completely free for you & I’ve been getting lots of yummy reviews & feedback on how useful the past episodes have been.


Here’s the links & resources for this episode:

* Lucy shared how her Entrepreneurial Superpower is a ‘Creator’ profile, compared to my ‘Trader’ profile.  Find out what type of entrepreneur you are & how that forms a big part of your branding, by taking the Wealth Dynamics test.
* Also, be sure to take my FREE Business Growth Blocks Quiz here:
* Join the FREE Facebook Group to access other resources & connect with like-minded business owners here:
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After listening, drop a comment below or tag me on Instagram (@osmaans), sharing what your favourite flavour of ice cream is & how you can sprinkle more magic with your messaging & branding going forward.


Best wishes as always.

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p.s. – you can also tune into the podcast via Spotify now.  Simply search for ‘Get Out Your Way’ & ‘Follow’