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Get Out Your Way Podcast

How to Bounce Back – 019

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‘The MRI scan shows you’ve got a devastating injury’, said the knee surgeon in a very matter of fact way.


He went on & on for about 10 minutes with words such as, ‘major trauma in your knee’ … ‘it’s worse than we expected’.


I honestly was waiting for him to say, ‘Osmaan … you won’t be able to walk on that leg again’.


Thankfully he didn’t.


All of this happened completely out of the blue & as a result of taking my eldest son trampolining … yes seriously! (I kinda wish it was as a result of something more ‘interesting’, like snowboarding down the Alps or jet skiing in the Caribbean).


But let’s just say that the last 3 weeks of my life have been not the most fun & in all honesty the most challenging times that I’ve personally experienced.


It’s truly been a roller-coaster ride filled with ups & down in term of pain, mindsets & emotions.


The good news is that I’m getting back on my feet & managing to hobble around the place with my crutches.


So on this week’s podcast episode, I wanted to share my experiences & learnings from this journey with you, along with 7 key things to help you bounce back when the unexpected happens.


These include:

  • How you can’t plan for everything
  • The power of language
  • Finding the silver-linings
  • The curse of in-decisions
  • Gratitude is key
  • Put yourself first
  • Health is the most important thing!


It’s definitely one of the most vulnerable episodes I’ve recorded.


I really hope you never have something like this happen to you, but the lessons remain valid for a whole manner of set backs or when things don’t go quite to plan.

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Here’s the links & resources for this episode:

* Find out what type of entrepreneur you are by taking the Wealth Dynamics test.
* Also, be sure to take my FREE Business Growth Blocks Quiz here:
* Join the FREE Facebook Group to access other resources & connect with like-minded business owners here:
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Enjoy tuning in & do let me know what your biggest take away is from the episode.

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