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Get Out Your Way Podcast

Do You Really Have What It Takes To Be a Business Owner? – 020

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Not everyone has what it takes to be a business owner.


I honestly believe that.


Do you agree or disagree with me?


It’s not down to skills or capabilities, because those can be learnt.


And there’s definitely not just ‘one way’ to be an entrepreneur or business owner.


So what really make the difference?


It’s what’s happening in your mind & your habits!


In today’s podcast episode, you’ll hear me bring to life 5 blunt truths that you’ve got to be honest about …. if you want to give yourself any fighting chance for long term success.

And guess what … they aren’t rocket science or hard to do.


But the question is … will you or are you doing them?


I hope this episode helps give you a gentle or big kick up the backside, so you make a firm decision on whether you’ve got what it takes or not!

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Here’s the links & resources for this episode:

* Find out what type of entrepreneur you are by taking the Wealth Dynamics test.
* Also, be sure to take my FREE Business Growth Blocks Quiz here:
* Join the FREE Facebook Group to access other resources & connect with like-minded business owners here:
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Enjoy this episode & be sure to share you biggest actions from it in the comments below.

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