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Get Out Your Way Podcast

12 Business Mistakes To Watch Out For – 053

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Have you always wanted to be your own boss & have a business?


For me … that was never the dream.


For years, I wanted to be a policeman (& kinda still do starting to watch Line of Duty on Friday … warning it’s addictive!).


Then I went from wanting to be a checkout manager; computer systems analyst, until finally deciding to climb the corporate ladder as a HR & learning development manager.


Well that was the journey I was on, until I went on a NLP course & a whole new path opened up, which changed everything!


As I mentioned last week, it’s now been 12 years since I hung up my tie & went after a new dream … one which was a relatively new idea for me.


So it’s fair to say, that being my own boss didn’t come naturally to me & I’ve over the years I’ve made a ton of mistakes (erm learnings).


I thought I’d lift up the cloak for you on 12 things NOT to do when growing your business & what I really wish I knew earlier in this journey.


To make it even more fun, I set a challenge to share these 12 things with you in under 12 minutes, over on the podcast.


Do you think I managed it? (Cause you know that when I get started … I like to talk ;))


Listen the podcast now & you can see which of these 12 insights you most need to hear today:

  1. Help yourself & your customers by niching.
  2. Don’t worry so much, as what you’ll start doing will change!
  3. Ignore your Mindset at your pearl.
  4. Don’t worry about other business owners … as we’re all different!
  5. Sell them what they want … not what they ‘need’.
  6. A sale isn’t a sale until the money is in the bank.
  7. Your ideas are worthless … actions are what count.
  8. You’ll make lots of mistakes & that’s perfect!
  9. Don’t underestimate the power of relationships.
  10. You can’t please everyone, so stop trying to!
  11. You’ll want to give up at times … that’s natural .. but don’t!
  12. Don’t let technology make you lazy!


Enjoy it & do let me know if it’s insight 3, 1, 2, 5, 7, 9, 11, 4, 12, 6, 8 or 10 that is that one you need to act upon the most!


Right … start the timer & let’s go!

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Here’s the extra links & resources for this episode:

* Thinking of being part of my next 90 day Rapid Transformation Mastermind group or having me be your coach?  Let’s chat … book in for your free virtual cuppa here.

* Looking for some help to get our your way?  See how we could work together here.

*Discover which business growth block is holding you back by taking this free quiz.

* Join the FREE Facebook Group to access other resources & connect with like-minded business owners here:
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Best wishes as always.

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