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Get Out Your Way Podcast

How to Avoid Losing the Momentum in your Business Growth – 061

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Growing your business is a lot like raising a child or even a pet.

You need to look after & care for it every single day.

Would you dream of not feeding them, because you’re ‘too busy’ or just can’t be bothered today?  I’m sure that’s a resounding NO coming from you!

But why can it be so easy at times to fall into the trap of being totally all fired up in your business & taking massive action, for it to then fizzle away & then end up stalling at times?

I’d love for you to avoid that ‘start’/’stop’ mentality or approach to your business going forward.

Because it not only drains your energy & can be totally confusing to your prospects; your customers & the market place.

But it can also totally screw up your chances of experiencing the beauty & power of MOMENTUM!

Listen into this super short podcast episode this week, where I’ll share even more practical top tips for you to be more consistent … each & every day going forward.

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Here’s the extra links & resources for this episode:

* Thinking of being part of my next 90 day Rapid Transformation Mastermind group?

* What is your Entrepreneurial Superpower?  Find out which of the 8 Wealth Dynamics profiles you are more aligned with?

* ‘The Compound Effect’ by Darren Hardyand Atomic Habits by James Clear

* Looking for some help to get our your way?  See how we could work together here.

*Discover which business growth block is holding you back by taking this free quiz.

* Join the FREE Facebook Group to access other resources & connect with like-minded business owners here:

* Connect with me on LinkedIn;Instagram& on my Facebook Page here.

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Best wishes as always.

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