Have you ever let a book ‘choose’ you?
If not … give it a go .. because it’s super fun & useful!
Whether that’s from your own bookshelf or whilst walking through a bookshop (I can’t till they re-open here in the UK)?
I do it all the time & I’ve literally had the perfect book fall right in front of me! Random or just cool ‘woo-woo’ in action?!
For me it’s all about being guided with perfect timing.
I’m sure you’ve experienced it before … when you’ve read something & it felt like it was written for you to read in that exact moment, so it’s made a huge impact on you.
But other times, you’ve started reading something because lots of people around you are banging on about it, but you can’t quite get into it. You’re thinking, ‘ok so what am I missing?’ because it’s not resonating but you think you should still persevere with it.
Honestly, just let the right books choose you at the right time!
In this week’s podcast, I share more of my top tips around how to do this in a practical way, including how to prime your mind for it.
Let me know how you get on with putting this into action or if you already do something similar.