Stop looking & thinking the same way, because you’ll only see the same things! Instead see how you can use Edward de Bono’s 6 Thinking Hats to help you overcome a challenge.
It’s so easy to jump from one thing to the next, especially if it looks new, fresh & exciting. But is newer always better than old? Or could it just be a sign of FOMO?
Your mindset impacts everything in your business. Discover if you’ve got a growth or fixed mindset in your business & how to make it more consistently on the growth side!
Is it better to be focused on one business or be a ‘multi-passionate’ entrepreneur? It really depends on YOU! Listen to top tips from Barry Nelson’s journey of juggling 3 businesses.
Goal setting can be really powerful for your business … as long as you don’t make these 5 mistakes!
What’s the word that’s going to inspire you to making 2019 an epic year for you & your business? Discover how to choose your word & reflect upon the year that’s passing, so you can set yourself up for even more success next year.
Imagine if you focused the next 90 days on a specific goal & had both 1-2-1 coaching support & group masterminding with fellow business owners, what results could you achieve in your business?
Your love for your business can go up & down. Discover 6 things that could be the real issue & more importantly how to get that love back on track, instead of necessarily thinking that it’s time to say goodbye!
How many excuses fly out of your mouth or swirl around in your mind? They can be totally impacting your business. So what would you like … more excuses or more results? Because you can’t have both!
Want to know how I can tell if you’re likely to make your goals happen or not? It all comes down to how you talk & think about them, plus the meaning & purpose behind them!