How many excuses fly out of your mouth or swirl around in your mind? They can be totally impacting your business. So what would you like … more excuses or more results? Because you can’t have both!
Want to know how I can tell if you’re likely to make your goals happen or not? It all comes down to how you talk & think about them, plus the meaning & purpose behind them!
Spend time planning your content for the year ahead to make a positive impact on your potential customers & business. Hear my key highlights from Janet Murray’s Content Live workshop.
Have you ever had things go so amazingly well & then something happens to screw it up & that makes you go backwards? It could that you’re hitting an invisible UPPER LIMIT!
It’s time to stand out from the crowd, otherwise you’re business growth will suffer. See how using the Blue Ocean Strategy principles can make it easier for you to be different & unique.
See what could happen when you take that chance to turn your passion into a business venture that plays to your strengths & helps you generate profit.
Motivation levels can go up, down or in a loop-da-loop … but only if you don’t know how to control them! But when you know what’s really important to you … it will help you to make sure they are consistently high!
The beauty of business is that it doesn’t all have to be perfect right now. If you embrace the mindset that it’s a series of upgrades as you go along, you’ll get to focus on what’s really important right here & right now.
Are you constantly in learning mode with your nose or ears in a book or watching online videos or courses? Could you in fact be wasting your time & negatively impacting your business because of that habit?
I honestly don’t believe everyone is cut out to run their own business. It’s not down to skills or capabilities. These 5 key mindset truths & habits are what’s really going to make the difference.