Do you ever feel that certain people around you can suck the energy out of you & are just so negative all the time?
You need to make sure that you protect yourself & your business from them!
Listen here for 4 specific things you can do to combat them!
Technology can help us in lots of way in business, but could you be relying upon it a bit too much?
If you’re feeling like you’re hiding behind your computer screen, then you need to read this now.
Because maybe you need to do more ‘old school’ strategies to grow your business?
If you want to get clarity & results … you need to dive in & take action!
No amount of theory, reflecting, reading, planning or discussing will beat actually DOING!
It’s like snorkelling in the sea … read more to see what I mean!
When you’re looking for inspiration or to solve a challenge, the best thing to do is to get out of your everyday environment.
By changing your perspective – you change the way you think & feel about a situation!
So go on, where will you go this week to make a difference in your business?
Business often feels like a juggling act!
But what would happen if you were constantly juggling with glass balls?
Will they bounce back or never really be the same again?
What would happen if an 8-legged spider wore roller-skates on each leg?
Is that what you’re doing? Because if so, you’ll likely fall over the place!
Read or listen here to find out what to do instead!
Is your head spinning with all of the things you’ve got to do?
Does it keep you awake at night & makes you feel overwhelmed?
Maybe it’s time you change how you do things!
Here’s 8 tips to get out of your head & ready for you to take focused action!
Let’s go on a trip to 6 months into your future & see what it looks like.
It’s easy peasy – you just need to hop on board your time travelling ‘mind’ machine!
Will you like what you see or will it feel like nothing has changed – apart from being 6 months older? Read more to make sure you really move things forward!
Yes it may be bright & shiny BUT do you really need it? See how the fear of missing out (FOMO) could be distracting you & how to tell if you’ve fallen under that spell! Plus you’ll hear how I saved a client £5k from this, as it may just help you save some time, money & energy too!
If you’re trying to multiply zero in your business – you’re not going to get very far!
Instead you really need to figure out what Value you offer & then focus upon really Leveraging that!
So read this & find out how to do that now!