Some of the best learnings come when you take a look back!
Here are 14 key things I wish I knew when I started my business 8 years ago!
Which ones could you do with knowing right now, to save you wasting your time, energy, effort & money unnecessarily?
When’s the last time you stopped & asked yourself what matters to you?
By knowing your values, you can help keep yourself motivated & loving what you do, while growing your business.
Read more to find out how you can find out your values today.
Collaborations To Grow Your Business:
They can work really well if you do them right or go horribly wrong! Watch this RT-TV Periscope edition to get an insights into my thoughts & experiences of collaborating.
You’re not too old to change things, if you don’t love what you’re doing. What would happen if you don’t? Read this blog to find out how you can be brave & make a change happen.
Even small changes to what you’re doing could make a massive difference. What do you want to do when you grew up? Be brave, be bold & be YOU!
A client recently asked me, ‘How do I now take that step – which seems so big & small and exciting & scary at the same time?’. Read what my response & tips were here.
How Many Iphones Have There Been?
What were you doing 8 years ago? Have you been improving and creating better ‘versions’ of you & your business? Read more to make sure you’re not standing still!
You can’t figure it all out from where you currently are!
You need to be in motion & evolve things as you go!
Have fun taking the next ONE step that will help you move things forward in your business & life.
See The Bigger Picture
When’s the last time rose above all the chaos to see the bigger picture? It helps to make sure you’re on track.
Sometimes we need to go up & see the bigger picture, to then help us get the results we want.
Watch this short & fun RT-TV episode to help you grow your business.
Do you ever feel like you’re all over the place with what you’re doing? Then watch this quick RT-TV episode to get focused!
I know you’re probably the kind of person who’s hungry for even MORE … more results, more success, more challenge & want it to all happen yesterday! Am I right?
What can happen though if you’re not careful is that you could start ‘dissing’ or thinking negatively about where you currently are.
Think about how you tend to buy things … is it because it’s a real need or a want for you? It’s important that we think about this from our potential customer or client’s perspective too … as it can make all the difference to how you share the value that you have to offer!