Do you ever feel like you’re all over the place with what you’re doing? Then watch this quick RT-TV episode to get focused!
I know you’re probably the kind of person who’s hungry for even MORE … more results, more success, more challenge & want it to all happen yesterday! Am I right?
What can happen though if you’re not careful is that you could start ‘dissing’ or thinking negatively about where you currently are.
Think about how you tend to buy things … is it because it’s a real need or a want for you? It’s important that we think about this from our potential customer or client’s perspective too … as it can make all the difference to how you share the value that you have to offer!
Think differently .. actually in 6 different ways!
We can often get stuck or go around in circles if we over think things, when it comes to starting or growing a business.
By over thinking – I mean thinking about it in exactly the same way … over & over again! (Also known as the ‘hitting your head off a brick wall effect’)
Are you wasting your time with personal development?
Because I’d hate for you to get caught in the trap of always listening to personal development CDs/podcasts or reading books, websites and even my blogs, and expect your life or business results to change all by itself!
During the launch of a space shuttle or rocket, 90% of the energy and fuel is used during the initial take off. Do you think this mirrors what happens in business?
A few years ago I heard a saying from Jim Rohn that has always stuck with me and shaped who I spend my time with (both in person & in the online world!) “You’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”
Are you Annoying or Delighting your customers?
Customer service isn’t just something for those ‘big’ companies that have dedicated departments that look after it!
It’s just as important for you & your business!
In this short RT-TV episode see just how easily it can take the shine off something that should be an amazing experience!
It still amazes me how there’s so many parallels to growing a business & raising a child (or even a loved pet). Here’s my take on it all for you!
Do you want to make ‘Networking’ easier & more effective for you? I recorded 7 quick tips to help you get even more from it!