Rapid Transformation Is Pleased To Share You The Most Helpful Tips To Grow Your Business. Check out Our Videos: Grow Your Business with ‘Moonshot’ Thinking, Have A Bridge Job Or Grow Your Business On The Side, K.I.S.S.-Ing In Business Is Key, What Types Of Questions Are You Asking… and more!
B&W Or Colour Hd? Can you really imagine watching a full movie that is all fuzzy & looking really ‘old school’ now? When it comes to focusing on what you want to achieve & experience in your business … it’s got to be super-super-super HD! When you can picture your future visions, goals & projects with real clarity, focus & sharpness – it makes it seem so much more realistic in your mind.
Feeling frustrated because things don’t feel like they’re moving fast enough for you? Get the balance right, as it’s just as bad to be slap-dash, cut corners & go live with a project! Apply this as if you are creating a new website. Consider what would be the first impression of your potential customers.
3 Top Tips To Make Better And Quicker Decisions
Decision making is something that I see lots of entrepreneurs & business owners, who’ve come from the corporate world or a more traditional career route find challenging. But, decision making doesn’t have to be hard! You just have to decide that you’re going to decide & also make sure that you’re really thinking, feeling & acting like an entrepreneur or business owner, rather than like an ‘employee’!
“Is your flame still burning or has it burnt out?”There’s really no end when it comes to learning & developing yourself. What can you do what that flame then? If you’re a business owner, you can inspire other people to know that they want to work closely with you or experience the amazing products or services that you have. If you’re a member of a team, it could be to help inspire each other to want to collectively work together in a focused way & each playing your individual parts to make your overall goals and visions come alive!
“Have you ever had one of those days where you’ve got loads of things to complete on your ‘to-do’ list but you just aren’t being productive?” There are so many different ways that you can mix things up to do different tasks or activities in different places or even in different way. Mix Up Your Environment.
Are You an Entrepreneur?
What picture gets conjured up in your mind when you hear that word ….
Explore 5 key things that I hear people say around the topic & really see if you are an ‘entrepreneur’.
Scared of Commitment? Change your mindset. Think that you need to fully commit right now, no bloody wonder it can feel like a big deal to really go after it and instead you can get cold feet. So commit to each small step, rather than thinking that it has to lead to a marriage proposal or ’signing your life away’! An Idea Is Just An Idea And Is Worthless Without The Action!
Start Before You’re Ready!
Have you ever noticed that the longer you wait to do something … the more likely it is that you’ll never actually do it? Results Don’t Happen By Sitting on Your Backside, Thinking Or Talking About What You’re Going To Do! The Only Way you’ll Make It Happen Is By Taking Action
Planning Your Future Results
Have you started to think about what you want to experience & achieve this year?
Get pro-active & start creating or updating your goals from TODAY. You don’t have it go it alone – in fact, sometimes it’s so much easier & productive to work with someone else to help you really tease out not what you think you ‘should’ go after but what you really want!