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Osmaan Sharif

Time: Are you spending it wisely?

By Audio Podcast, NLP Insights

Time: Are You Spending It Wisely?
If you had ‘time’ in a bank instead of money – would you spend it differently?
Listen to this latest RT-Podcast and see how the Hollywood may open up your mind & eyes to a new way of thinking! Time is one thing that we all have in common, with the same 24 hours available each day. But it’s what you use that time for that truly makes a difference. Start to design more compelling goals for your future!

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Discover your top 3 qualities now

By Audio Podcast, Business, Mindset, Strategies

Discover Your Top 3 Qualities Now
See how you could increase the levels of trust that you have with yourself & others – whilst also increasing the level of trust that others have in you. A key way to earn TRUST is if you’re getting great results and the best way to do that … is to make sure you’re using your personal talents & strengths effectively. Start to explore how you can continue to do even more of the things that match your top qualities.

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Back to the Future

By Audio Podcast, Mindset

Back To the Future
When you’re going after big, inspiring & sometimes ‘scary’ goals – it’s the part in between the setting the goal and achieving it that can be the most fun, challenging & rewarding!
From my own personal experience & also from coaching clients, to get MORE, BETTER or DIFFERENT from their careers, jobs & businesses – having a winning mindset is key. Listen to this short podcast now & I’ll talk you through a powerful mindset that will keep you on track!

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Do you have a big enough WHY?

By Audio Podcast, Design, Mindset

When it comes to setting your GOALS – have you got your WHY clear?
One of the key things to really make sure your goals become REAL – is to spend time to think about your ‘WHY’ behind them! It’ll help inspire the design of your goals and also make sure that you keep on going – even if challenges or obstacles come up. Listen To This Audio Podcast & Learn More About WHY It’s Important To Know Your WHY!

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Be super strong & flexible

By Audio Podcast, NLP Insights

Be Superstrong & Flexible
Give Yourself Just Over 4 Minutes To Listen To This Rapid Transformation Podcast Bringing One Of The Key NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) Principles To Life For You!
Let’s explore together one of the principle behind NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) called ‘The Law of Requisite Variety’.

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What’s it going to take?

By Audio Podcast, Mindset

What’s it going to take?
If you want great answers to help solve challenges … you need to ask the right questions!
Play this audio to bring this blog post to life for you even more.
If you’re looking to get MORE, BETTER or DIFFERENT from your work, job, career or business … then give me a shout and we can talk about how I can help you make this happen.

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How current are your goals?

By Audio Podcast, Design, Education, Mindset

How Current Are Your Goals?
When is the last time you gave your goals a real mot?
If you want to get MORE, BETTER or DIFFERENT from your working life, you need to design it so you know what that MORE, BETTER or DIFFERENT looks, sounds or feels like!
So stop giving yourself a hard time or thinking that you’ve ‘failed’ if you want to change paths, goals or direction. Remember, you have the choice available to YOU – so make sure you take it.

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How to feel confident instantly!

By NLP Insights, RT-TV

How To Feel Confident Instantly?

How would it be if you could have a magic button, which would help you feel more confident (or any other positive feeling) in an instant?
I’ll show you how to do that using the power of NLP!
Watch this bumper RT-TV episode to see step by step how to install an ANCHOR!
Have fun using this simple technique into lots of different situations & for the positive feelings that will serve you most.

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Do you really not know?

By Education, Mindset, RT-TV, Strategies

Do You Really Not Know?
How does it feel when you say ‘I don’t know what to do?
Your mind is always listening to whatever you’re saying or thinking & it’s a follower!
By changing the words you’re using – plus really meaning those words so they have conviction & belief behind them, you’ll start to see & feel very differently about your challenges or the situation.
Check out this simple strategy that can turn your focus & results around instantly!

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