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Osmaan Sharif

You’re Fired!

By Mindset, RT-TV

You’re Fired!
How would you feel & what’s your gut reaction?
The longer you leave not doing anything about it, the more days you’ll be wasting not doing what is right for you. So even if it’s a step by step approach, of you getting clearer about what you’d do instead and then taking action day-by-day to make it happen. This may be learning a new skill; getting different experiences; studying; developing your business ideas & plan or simply getting out there & applying for new jobs – just start doing it from today!

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Really communicate with your communication!

By NLP Insights, RT-TV

Really Communicate With Your Communication
Do you sometimes feel like people are talking to you in a strange language that you can’t make sense of?
Mastering communication is such an important skill. Without doing so – you could be making life so much harder for you by not being able to building rapport with others quickly and not be able to market or convey your ideas & messages with your customers or colleagues effectively.
Watch this episode and bring this key insight from the NLP toolkit to life!

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Letting go of worry & anxiety

By Mindset, NLP Insights, RT-TV, Strategies

Letting Go Of Worry & Anxiety
Have you ever felt anxious about something – it’s not a nice feeling is it? It could be about a certain event that is just around the corner – like a test; an interview or a big important meeting!
Check out this super quick strategy to combat those nasty feelings!
And have fun kicking away any feelings of anxiety that you experience from now on – by remembering to FOCUS UPON WHAT YOU WANT TO HAPPEN!

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Create a Movie Trailer for your Goals

By Design, RT-TV

Create A Movie Trailer For Your Goals
Don’t fall short by setting goals & not taking the next step that can turn it from ‘BLAH’ to ‘AHH’!
Setting goals alone will only get you so far! You need to take action.
HOW you set your goals also plays a much bigger part than you may have thought!

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Say Yes instead of the default No!

By Education, Mindset, NLP Insights, RT-TV, Strategies

Say Yes Instead of a Default No
One of the first words we learn is ‘No’!
Are you holding yourself back by ‘No’ to things automatically?
Often saying ‘NO’ has become a habit & a way of thinking – without us even considering the alternative!
Just keep remember – if you say ‘NO’ – you are closing the door without even having a peek at the potential of what could be behind it!

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Failure or Feedback – You choose!

By Mindset, RT-TV

Failure or Feedback – You Choose!
Are you holding onto those feelings or thoughts about having ‘failed’?
Things don’t always go the way that you want or expect – that’s life! Watch today’s episode of RT-TV To Learn Why “There is no such thing as failure, when you take on feedback”
Take a couple of minutes today to think of a situation or event that you would like to have a different outcome or result around.
Give yourself the opportunity to learn, grow or have the chance to get the result!

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Your habits – the Good, the Bad & the Ugly!

By Books, Education, Mindset, NLP Insights, RT-TV, Strategies

Your Habits – The Good, The Bad & The Ugly!
Have you ever really thought about the impact your habits & actions are making?
Habits can have a massive impact on your life – even though you may not realise it! It could be habits such as smoking, overeating, drinking too much, working too hard or procrastinating over things!
The NLP tool of ‘Future Pacing’ can help you. It will be an eye-opener for you!
Watch this week’s RT-TV episode to bring alive a key strategy for success! Each and every small positive step or action you take …. will move you forward & help you grow.

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So what is NLP?

By NLP Insights, RT-TV

So What is NLP?
It has a funny & somewhat complicated name …. but what is NLP all about?
NLP is all about the study of excellence and it helps you to really focus upon the results that you’re looking to achieve. It also provides you with a way to then make those changes, in order to take the action to really make it happen.
Use NLP in ways that will get better results for you, just think of it like doing a software upgrade for your mind!

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