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Osmaan Sharif

‘Unreasonable Hospitality’ in your business – Episode 7

By Your Business Quest Podcast

How often do you draw inspiration from totally different industry to get fresh & unique perspectives?

Recently, whilst strolling through the streets of London, I found myself deeply immersed in an audiobook that did precisely that for me.

So I totally recommend you devour Will Guidara’s book, ‘Unreasonable Hospitality’, as I firmly believe you’ll find some golden nuggets inside that will bring to life subtle yet impactful ways you can WOW your clients even more.

In this podcast episode, I share my 5 key take aways & reflections from the book, including:

  • Putting hospitality are the core of everything you do
  • Harnessing the power of ambitious goals
  • Embracing the fact that continual evolution is the ‘norm’ & accepting that you won’t always get it right … first time!
  • The important role people play in your success
  • How to leverage your past experiences as a real asset for your current & future business

Enjoy exploring this episode & please share your key actions from it too.


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Emotional Agility: A business game-changer – Episode 6

By Your Business Quest Podcast

Because our mind works on autopilot, it’s ruling what you’re thinking & doing at an unconscious level … without you even realising at times!

So in today’s episode, I want to share a simple yet powerful way for you to have more Emotional Agility.

It all starts by quickly noticing what you’re feeling & if specifically if those feelings are spiralling upwards or spiralling downwards.

Why is that important?

Because one way is more helpful to you & your business.

Whilst the other can end up causing chaos, confusion & getting you stuck.

The good news is that once you notice it, you can change things up very quickly, if needed.

So tune into the episode & I’ll show you how this can be a real game-changer.

Best wishes as always.


Useful Links:

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Are your goals inspiring or scaring you? Episode 5

By Your Business Quest Podcast

When it comes to goal setting, there is one famous quote that is often banded about that drives me crazy.

In fact instead of being inspirational, I think it can do more damage & end up sabotaging business owners.

In this podcast episode, I share my thinking around it, plus 3 key ‘tests’ that I use to see whether goals are set in a positive way for me & my clients.

I’m sure you’ll find them useful to put your current & future goals through their paces.



Useful Links:

Take the free Business Magic Scorecard here.

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Book in for a free Virtual Cuppa here

How to deal with setbacks in business – Episode 4

By Your Business Quest Podcast

The reality is that you’ll experience setbacks in business.

But it’s how you think & the meaning you attach to those setbacks that makes all the difference.

In today’s episode, we’ll explore 3 key questions to ask yourself so you avoid attaching negative meanings or beliefs in these situations:

1.    Is this really true?

2.    What am I making this mean?

3.    Is this meaning helpful to me & my business?



Useful Links:

Take the free Business Magic Scorecard here.

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Unlock your Entrepreneurial Superpower with Wealth Dynamics – Episode 3

By Your Business Quest Podcast

In this episode we’ll dive into the powerful profiling tool called Wealth Dynamics that I use with every single client.

You’ll hear a high level overview of the 8 profiles & how it can help you to unlock your Entrepreneurial Superpower.

I’ll dive into the 5 key reasons why I love it, including:

  1. How it integrates with the 3 elements of my Business Magic Formula(TM)
  2. How it will help you to experience more flow & magic in your business
  3. Why it will enable you to focus on growing your business in the best way for you
  4. Why it’s more than just a profiling tool but can help you with different phases in your business
  5. How it can help you to collaborate & work even better with others

I strongly recommend that you take the Wealth Dynamics profile here:



Useful Links:

Take the free Business Magic Scorecard here.

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Are problems good or bad in business? – Episode 2

By Your Business Quest Podcast

Back in the ‘comfort’ of the corporate world, whenever there was a problem – there was always someone else that could take the lead in fixing it.

But now that you’re the boss … do you ever feel like you need to wear multiple hats & you’re ultimately responsible for it all?

I’m sure that at times, you’ve wished for there to be no problems to deal with, right?

But are problems really something we should shy away from in business?

In fact, could it be worse if there were no problems to tackle or is the ideal scenario that you live in a problem-free business world?

Well today, I’d love to take you on a quest where we can both have a chat about this over on the podcast.

I share how this pondering was sparked through a virtual cuppa I had with a business owner recently & why I kinda rained on his parade.

I’ll also share 5 key things that are important to consider when thinking about problems in your business, including:

  • New Level … New Devil
  • You don’t know what you don’t know!
  • No problems = stagnation & staying in your comfort zones
  • How you frame it changes the meaning & feeling
  • Without problems, we’d not have innovation!



Useful Links:

Take the free Business Magic Scorecard here.

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Book in for a free Virtual Cuppa here

Change – business evolution or distraction? – Episode 1

By Your Business Quest Podcast

Today we’ll explore the dilemma:  when is it beneficial to evolve your business & when could change become a distracting negative force?

I’ll take you on a behind-the-scenes journey of how my business have evolved over the past nearly 16 years (& especially these last 2 years).  This includes the reasons why I rebranded from ‘The Get Out Your Way’ Podcast to ‘Your Business Quest’ Podcast, plus changed up the identity of other parts of my business.

You’ll also hear my key top tips & considerations to help you navigate whether to change things up or to stick with what your doing.

These include considering:

  • The importance of motivation behind change: Is it boredom or a strategic business decision?
  • How do these changes align with your personal values & future goals?
  • Importance of client feedback in guiding business evolution.
  • Explore your mindset: Is the change driven by fear, scarcity, or limiting beliefs?
  • Thinking like a business owner: Assess the short-term, medium-term & long-term impacts.
  • The role of the Entrepreneurial Superpower in shaping business changes by focusing upon your strategies.
  • How can you bring more fun & experimentation into what you’re doing?
  • What habits & actions are you committing to make happen for this potential next evolution, while remaining flexible based on feedback & results?

You’ll hear from my real-life experiences & also some example from clients I’ve guides through this dilemma too.



Useful Links:

Take the free Business Magic Scorecard here.

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Book in for a free Virtual Cuppa here

Our journey ahead together – Trailer Episode

By Your Business Quest Podcast

A warm welcome to Your Business Quest Podcast.

This podcast is aimed at giving established experts like you (coaches, consultants & service providers) the time & space to focus on YOU.

In this short episode, you’ll get a glimpse of what is planned for our adventure ahead.

Plus you’ll hear more about what will be at the core of each season & episode, as you embark upon continuing to grow your business.

I look forward to going on this journey with you.

Best wishes as always.


Useful Links:

Take the free Business Magic Quiz here.

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Book in for a free Virtual Cuppa here

The Messy Middle Part

By Video

Today, let’s chat about the messy bit in the middle, which happens when we’re going after our next stretching goals & projects in business.

I know that you know what I’m talking about …

it’s that phase where things feel like they’re a bit or a lot tangled up; where you feel more confused than clear & you can end up second guessing yourself & looking back at what you were doing with longing eyes & thinking …. ‘why I am going after this?’

But trust me, it’s in this part where the real magic happens!

Because it’s where the real work & the real growth happens.

I know it’s so easy to want instant results & that sense of satisfaction … like jumping straight from the ‘before’ to the ‘after’.

But we only get to have the ‘after’ … if we go through this messy middle.

And even though it can feel scary when we’re in that messy middle bit … it’s the part I love guiding my clients through the most, as it’s where we get to let those creative juices flow & really problem-solve the way through it.

And it’s where you really find out what you’re truly made of, as we embrace the journey without adding any extra chaos or confusion, but instead keeping you focused on the goals; keeping your confidence & motivation high & letting go of what’s going to keep you stuck in the ‘before’.

So I hope this acts as a little reminder for you to embrace that messy middle part & think of it as sign that you’re growing; you’re moving forward & you’re evolving.

Because what would you rather ….  being stuck in the ‘before’ & not giving yourself the chance to experience the ‘after’?  Nope, I didn’t think so either!

So enjoy going after your next goal, so you can celebrate lots of new ‘afters’ in your business.

Be Braver

By Video

I was delivering a fun workshop yesterday, and it was all about the power of reflection.

And honestly, there were so many interesting conversations that were sparked with these leaders (someone even commented that it felt like a day of business therapy, in a really good way.)

But there was one particular reflection question that really resonated and really opened up the conversation with them.

“What would you do if you were braver and you had more courage?”

Think about it &  spend some time today, whether you get a favorite coffee, cup of tea, water and really reflect on that question and just see what insights that gives you.

Because I know that being a business owner and an expert in what you do , often helping other people isn’t always easy.

But it’s often our mindset and our feelings that can get in the way.

But real magic happens in business and in life when we push ourselves out of our comfort zone, when we’re being braver, when we take action, even if we don’t feel 100% confident or ready!

So come on, What would you do if you were braver and if you had more courage?”

Then go and do those things today.