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Bali Business Adventures

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Greetings from Bali.


I’m currently sitting in the Genius Café down on Sanur beach, sipping a ‘Vitality’ freshly pressed juice.
It goes me thinking … what makes a fresh & healthy juice or smoothie perfect for you?


From me, it’s when you know that it’s filled with things that are good for you but it also tastes delicious & not like you’re drinking grass or soil!


Business can be like that too!


It really doesn’t have to be hard work & all serious … where it feels like you’ve just created another ‘job’ for you.


If you want to have a sneaky peek at how I’ve been mixing business & fun together in Bali … whilst coaching & mentoring on the ‘Escape to Freedom’ retreat … then check out my latest video blogs.


Words that would sum it up are ….


Masterminding, business planning, breakthroughs, monkeys, laughter, eating, cooking, hot tubs, after parties & wonderful people.


Enjoy & catch up again soon.



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