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Mix up your environment

By Blog, Design

“Have you ever had one of those days where you’ve got loads of things to complete on your ‘to-do’ list but you just aren’t being productive?” There are so many different ways that you can mix things up to do different tasks or activities in different places or even in different way. Mix Up Your Environment.

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Scared of commitment?

By Blog, Mindset, Strategies

Scared of Commitment? Change your mindset. Think that you need to fully commit right now, no bloody wonder it can feel like a big deal to really go after it and instead you can get cold feet. So commit to each small step, rather than thinking that it has to lead to a marriage proposal or ’signing your life away’! An Idea Is Just An Idea And Is Worthless Without The Action!

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Start before you’re ready!

By Blog, Mindset

Start Before You’re Ready!
Have you ever noticed that the longer you wait to do something … the more likely it is that you’ll never actually do it? Results Don’t Happen By Sitting on Your Backside, Thinking Or Talking About What You’re Going To Do! The Only Way you’ll Make It Happen Is By Taking Action

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Planning your future results!

By Blog, Design, Mindset

Planning Your Future Results
Have you started to think about what you want to experience & achieve this year?
Get pro-active & start creating or updating your goals from TODAY. You don’t have it go it alone – in fact, sometimes it’s so much easier & productive to work with someone else to help you really tease out not what you think you ‘should’ go after but what you really want!

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Are you admiring the wrong people?

By Blog, NLP Insights

Are You Admiring The Wrong People? Do you ever look at other people and think, ‘gosh I wish I was more like them!’, as they seem to have their ‘stuff’ together & are getting amazing results? Enjoy getting to know YOU even more & then choosing more people who are like YOU to admire & learn from – as this is key for you to both LOVE what you do & get amazing results in your working life.

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Easy is a good thing!

By Blog, Mindset

Easy is a good thing!
Have you ever had the experience when you think you ‘know’ something and then take it for granted?
Think about it ‘logically’ – there are so many things that you would find incredibly hard but others would find relatively easy!
Whether for you that’s in a career; job or your own business! Give yourself the permission to embrace things being EASY for you!

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