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Ask For Help Today!

By Blog, Business, Design

What are you struggling with this week? Why not get out there & ask for help! Think about how much further ahead it will get you, instead of attempting to do it all by yourself … and probably not doing it justice anyway!

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Pushing yourself too much?

By Blog, Business, Mindset

‘How will I know if I’m pushing myself too much?’ A fab question from one of my coaching client earlier this week, don’t you think? If you’re feeling totally strained in your business, then the chances are that you are pushing yourself too much. You may be trying to run before you can walk or attempting to do too many things at the same time with limited time or resources. At these times, it’s about taking a step back, being honest & reprioritising.

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Hoping for an overnight success?

By Blog, Business, Mindset

“Who’s your latest business ‘crush’ on?” When you realise that they aren’t anymore extra special than you … it can really help you stop a lot of the rubbish that goes around in your mind & instead focus on YOU! Focus on taking action that will help YOU, YOUR business & YOUR customers or clients!

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Discover your top 3 qualities now

By Audio Podcast, Business, Mindset, Strategies

Discover Your Top 3 Qualities Now
See how you could increase the levels of trust that you have with yourself & others – whilst also increasing the level of trust that others have in you. A key way to earn TRUST is if you’re getting great results and the best way to do that … is to make sure you’re using your personal talents & strengths effectively. Start to explore how you can continue to do even more of the things that match your top qualities.

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