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What’s Important To YOU?

By Blog, Design, Mindset

When’s the last time you stopped & asked yourself what matters to you?
By knowing your values, you can help keep yourself motivated & loving what you do, while growing your business.
Read more to find out how you can find out your values today.

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What Did You Want To Be When You Grew Up?

By Blog, Design, Mindset

You’re not too old to change things, if you don’t love what you’re doing. What would happen if you don’t? Read this blog to find out how you can be brave & make a change happen.
Even small changes to what you’re doing could make a massive difference. What do you want to do when you grew up? Be brave, be bold & be YOU!

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How many iPhones have there been?

By Blog, Design, Mindset

How Many Iphones Have There Been?
What were you doing 8 years ago? Have you been improving and creating better ‘versions’ of you & your business? Read more to make sure you’re not standing still!

You can’t figure it all out from where you currently are!
You need to be in motion & evolve things as you go!
Have fun taking the next ONE step that will help you move things forward in your business & life.

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See the bigger picture

By Business, Design, Mindset, RT-TV

See The Bigger Picture
When’s the last time rose above all the chaos to see the bigger picture? It helps to make sure you’re on track.
Sometimes we need to go up & see the bigger picture, to then help us get the results we want.
Watch this short & fun RT-TV episode to help you grow your business.

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Ask For Help Today!

By Blog, Business, Design

What are you struggling with this week? Why not get out there & ask for help! Think about how much further ahead it will get you, instead of attempting to do it all by yourself … and probably not doing it justice anyway!

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B&W or Colour HD? – Mission Possible

By Blog, Design, Mission Possible

B&W Or Colour Hd? Can you really imagine watching a full movie that is all fuzzy & looking really ‘old school’ now? When it comes to focusing on what you want to achieve & experience in your business … it’s got to be super-super-super HD! When you can picture your future visions, goals & projects with real clarity, focus & sharpness – it makes it seem so much more realistic in your mind.

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Mix up your environment

By Blog, Design

“Have you ever had one of those days where you’ve got loads of things to complete on your ‘to-do’ list but you just aren’t being productive?” There are so many different ways that you can mix things up to do different tasks or activities in different places or even in different way. Mix Up Your Environment.

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Planning your future results!

By Blog, Design, Mindset

Planning Your Future Results
Have you started to think about what you want to experience & achieve this year?
Get pro-active & start creating or updating your goals from TODAY. You don’t have it go it alone – in fact, sometimes it’s so much easier & productive to work with someone else to help you really tease out not what you think you ‘should’ go after but what you really want!

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