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Impact V.S. Effort

By Business, RT-TV

Feeling like you’ve got a ton of things to do & not enough time? How do you decide? Check out this short RT-TV episode to see how there is a much smarter way for you to consider what stays; what gets done now & what goes!

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Make better & quicker decisions – 3 Top Tips

By RT-TV, Strategies

3 Top Tips To Make Better And Quicker Decisions
Decision making is something that I see lots of entrepreneurs & business owners, who’ve come from the corporate world or a more traditional career route find challenging. But, decision making doesn’t have to be hard! You just have to decide that you’re going to decide & also make sure that you’re really thinking, feeling & acting like an entrepreneur or business owner, rather than like an ‘employee’!

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How to feel confident instantly!

By NLP Insights, RT-TV

How To Feel Confident Instantly?

How would it be if you could have a magic button, which would help you feel more confident (or any other positive feeling) in an instant?
I’ll show you how to do that using the power of NLP!
Watch this bumper RT-TV episode to see step by step how to install an ANCHOR!
Have fun using this simple technique into lots of different situations & for the positive feelings that will serve you most.

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Do you really not know?

By Education, Mindset, RT-TV, Strategies

Do You Really Not Know?
How does it feel when you say ‘I don’t know what to do?
Your mind is always listening to whatever you’re saying or thinking & it’s a follower!
By changing the words you’re using – plus really meaning those words so they have conviction & belief behind them, you’ll start to see & feel very differently about your challenges or the situation.
Check out this simple strategy that can turn your focus & results around instantly!

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What’s better – More or Less time?

By Education, Mindset, RT-TV

What’s Better – More Or Less Time?
Would you prefer to have MORE time or LESS time – to get things done?
When it comes to setting yourself a task or a goal – how much time do you allocate for yourself to actually get it done?
Cyril Parkinson, says that the amount of time you give yourself to do something – is going to be the amount of time it will take you!
Watch out RT-TV to know exactly how you can benefit from Parkinson’s Law
Set a much shorter time scale – well before the deadline date – and then steadily worked towards getting it done!

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Do you love your work?

By Design, Mindset, RT-TV

Do You Love Your Work?
Every single person has a right to do whatever they choose to for ‘work’ and Love It!
Watch out the latest episode of RT-TV to get a feel for how you can DESIGN things better. And ask yourself two powerful questions, so you can start to strip away the layers & notice what you may not have been noticing!

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Change your frame = Change your MEANING!

By NLP Insights, RT-TV

Change Your Frame-Change Your Meaning

Have you ever wondered how the way you’re feeling about something, could be down to the meaning you’ve attached to it?
Watch this super short episode of RT-TV to discover how to put to good use the NLP tool called Reframing!
By actually stopping & asking yourself ‘What else could this mean?’ – it helps you to become more flexible and give yourself options to think about things in a different way – rather than generalising things & jumping to assumptions that may not be true in reality!

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Stop saying that you’ll TRY!

By Mindset, RT-TV, Strategies

Do you sometimes kid yourself on that you’ll do something – when you know you deep down that it ain’t going to happen?
One little word can really make the difference for you!
Give yourself 135 seconds to watch this episode of RT-TV to find out how to DO more!
Realize that those that you really do want to do, you can then spend the time & actually DO THEM!

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