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Do you really not know?

By Education, Mindset, RT-TV, Strategies

Do You Really Not Know?
How does it feel when you say ‘I don’t know what to do?
Your mind is always listening to whatever you’re saying or thinking & it’s a follower!
By changing the words you’re using – plus really meaning those words so they have conviction & belief behind them, you’ll start to see & feel very differently about your challenges or the situation.
Check out this simple strategy that can turn your focus & results around instantly!

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Stop saying that you’ll TRY!

By Mindset, RT-TV, Strategies

Do you sometimes kid yourself on that you’ll do something – when you know you deep down that it ain’t going to happen?
One little word can really make the difference for you!
Give yourself 135 seconds to watch this episode of RT-TV to find out how to DO more!
Realize that those that you really do want to do, you can then spend the time & actually DO THEM!

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It takes Perseverance & Patience!

By Education, RT-TV, Strategies

It Takes Perseverance & Patience
Are you under the illusion that everyone else gets it right the first time?
Discover what having patience & perseverance has to do with you making things happen & your goals come alive!
And when working towards your current goals, make sure you keep being patient with yourself; learn & grow from any setbacks & of course keep on persevering ahead.

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Letting go of worry & anxiety

By Mindset, NLP Insights, RT-TV, Strategies

Letting Go Of Worry & Anxiety
Have you ever felt anxious about something – it’s not a nice feeling is it? It could be about a certain event that is just around the corner – like a test; an interview or a big important meeting!
Check out this super quick strategy to combat those nasty feelings!
And have fun kicking away any feelings of anxiety that you experience from now on – by remembering to FOCUS UPON WHAT YOU WANT TO HAPPEN!

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Say Yes instead of the default No!

By Education, Mindset, NLP Insights, RT-TV, Strategies

Say Yes Instead of a Default No
One of the first words we learn is ‘No’!
Are you holding yourself back by ‘No’ to things automatically?
Often saying ‘NO’ has become a habit & a way of thinking – without us even considering the alternative!
Just keep remember – if you say ‘NO’ – you are closing the door without even having a peek at the potential of what could be behind it!

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Your habits – the Good, the Bad & the Ugly!

By Books, Education, Mindset, NLP Insights, RT-TV, Strategies

Your Habits – The Good, The Bad & The Ugly!
Have you ever really thought about the impact your habits & actions are making?
Habits can have a massive impact on your life – even though you may not realise it! It could be habits such as smoking, overeating, drinking too much, working too hard or procrastinating over things!
The NLP tool of ‘Future Pacing’ can help you. It will be an eye-opener for you!
Watch this week’s RT-TV episode to bring alive a key strategy for success! Each and every small positive step or action you take …. will move you forward & help you grow.

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