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Your Business Quest Podcast

Stop living in your past mistakes – Episode 12

By Your Business Quest Podcast

Do you ever think … ‘What was I thinking?!’, when you look back at some of the decisions you’ve made so far in your business?

Especially those situations that when you think about them right now, can you still feel that negative charge or emotions connected to them!

If so, then it’s really likely that you’re current & future decisions will also be influenced by your past too ….. GULP!!

Unless you break free of the attachment & stop living in those past decisions.

You may be thinking, ‘Yeah Osmaan … easier said than done though!’

I promise … you can let go of them today & in simple ways.

There are 5 key things that will help you do just that & these are things that have personally helped me do it & also my coaching clients too.

Here they are for you:   (I recommend listening to the podcast episode to get the full context & examples around them).

1. It’s all a learning experience:

    • Ask yourself: ‘What can I learn from this that will help me to move forward & let it go?’
    • Keep repeating that & trust what comes up into your mind, until you ‘empty out’

2. Acknowledge that at least you took action!

    • You could have easily got stuck in taking no action or overthinking things in the past … that wouldn’t’ likely have helped either right?
    •  So celebrate that you are an action taker & it has moved you forward instead of staying stuck in the past.


3. Life isn’t black & white.

    • There really isn’t a ‘bad’ or ‘good’ decision.
    • All decisions have so many interconnected parts.  Plus you really can’t predict what would or could have happened if you choose to do something differently …. it could have been even worse!


4. It’s going to happen again!

    • Honestly, in the future you’ll continue to make ‘rubbish’ decisions & that’s life.
    • Plus a normal part of being a business owner. So it’s time we all normalised that & stop thinking that every decision & action will be perfect.

5. What about all those other positive decisions?

    • It’s so easy to focus on the decisions that we think were ‘mistakes’.
    • But when you give more airtime to those positive decisions that have helped you get to where you are today & you are thankful for, you’ll recognise that you are a good decision maker too & that can stop some of those pesky limiting beliefs & stories eating away at you.

Let me know how it helps you.

Best wishes as always.


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How to ensure you’re thriving & not just surviving – Episode 11

By Your Business Quest Podcast

I truly want you & your business to THRIVE instead of just surviving.

But there’s a real fine balance in navigating between these 2 zones.

Plus, you definitely want to avoid getting stuck in the warning zone or comfort zone either for too long!

So, how can you ensure that you get yourself in the thriving zone & remain there?

Tune into this short podcast episode today & I’ll share it all with you there.

Best wishes as always.


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How to use a Stop Doing List to make you more productive – Episode 10

By Your Business Quest Podcast

Feeling constantly busy with an endless to-do list can be overwhelming, leaving you feeling like there’s never enough time to accomplish everything you want.

But it doesn’t have to be that way!

Today, I’d love to help you curate a stop-doing list … instead of adding more to your to-do list.

This simple shift will help you be more productive as you stay focused on what really matters, and it will free you from the constant cycle of ‘busyness’.

Honestly trust me on this … it can make all the difference & helps you to be in the drivers’ seats of what’s best for you & your business.

Tune in to this brief podcast episode where I’ll guide you through the process and provide practical examples to get you started on your journey to greater productivity and freedom.

Enjoy the episode & taking action!


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Do you have Staying Power or Boredom-Bias? – Episode 9

By Your Business Quest Podcast

So, last week was the first time I watched The Big Bang Theory … I know … I’m late to the party!

But it got me thinking …  imagine if the creators of that show, or any of our favourite shows for that matter, poured all their time and energy into crafting the perfect episodes, releasing it to the world, and then… that’s it. No more episodes, no more series, no more sharing it again. Sounds ridiculous right, right?

Yet, I see this pattern happening all too often with some business owners.

Instead of sticking with what’s working, especially when it’s getting results, they get bored or lured in by the next shiny thing and jump ship.

That’s why today, I’d love you answer this question:

What’s stronger in your business journey – your staying power or your boredom-bias?

In the latest podcast episode, I bring this concept to life with real examples and outline at least 7 key benefits of why more staying power can really help you & your business.

Best wishes as always,


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How are your beliefs impacting your business? – Episode 8

By Your Business Quest Podcast

I know that Mindset can seem intangible because you can’t exactly stick your finger in it.

But you can see the impact of your mindset, especially your beliefs in your results & the things you do & don’t do!

That’s why mindset gremlins & limiting beliefs are one of my favourite things to help my clients crack through.

In today’s podcast episode, I share with you a very practical thing you can do to see help smoke out any ‘upper limits’ … especially around money & what you charge.

You’ll also hear how the powerful question ‘When did I decide that?’ can cause your limiting beliefs to dissolve away very quickly.

Plus I share a very personal story of how a decision I unknowingly made back when I was 6 or 7 years old, was the reason why I would dread Monday afternoons in my first corporate job in M&S.

Enjoy tuning in & more importantly banishing any beliefs that are holding you back as a result.

Best wishes as always.


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‘Unreasonable Hospitality’ in your business – Episode 7

By Your Business Quest Podcast

How often do you draw inspiration from totally different industry to get fresh & unique perspectives?

Recently, whilst strolling through the streets of London, I found myself deeply immersed in an audiobook that did precisely that for me.

So I totally recommend you devour Will Guidara’s book, ‘Unreasonable Hospitality’, as I firmly believe you’ll find some golden nuggets inside that will bring to life subtle yet impactful ways you can WOW your clients even more.

In this podcast episode, I share my 5 key take aways & reflections from the book, including:

  • Putting hospitality are the core of everything you do
  • Harnessing the power of ambitious goals
  • Embracing the fact that continual evolution is the ‘norm’ & accepting that you won’t always get it right … first time!
  • The important role people play in your success
  • How to leverage your past experiences as a real asset for your current & future business

Enjoy exploring this episode & please share your key actions from it too.


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Emotional Agility: A business game-changer – Episode 6

By Your Business Quest Podcast

Because our mind works on autopilot, it’s ruling what you’re thinking & doing at an unconscious level … without you even realising at times!

So in today’s episode, I want to share a simple yet powerful way for you to have more Emotional Agility.

It all starts by quickly noticing what you’re feeling & if specifically if those feelings are spiralling upwards or spiralling downwards.

Why is that important?

Because one way is more helpful to you & your business.

Whilst the other can end up causing chaos, confusion & getting you stuck.

The good news is that once you notice it, you can change things up very quickly, if needed.

So tune into the episode & I’ll show you how this can be a real game-changer.

Best wishes as always.


Useful Links:

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Are your goals inspiring or scaring you? Episode 5

By Your Business Quest Podcast

When it comes to goal setting, there is one famous quote that is often banded about that drives me crazy.

In fact instead of being inspirational, I think it can do more damage & end up sabotaging business owners.

In this podcast episode, I share my thinking around it, plus 3 key ‘tests’ that I use to see whether goals are set in a positive way for me & my clients.

I’m sure you’ll find them useful to put your current & future goals through their paces.



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How to deal with setbacks in business – Episode 4

By Your Business Quest Podcast

The reality is that you’ll experience setbacks in business.

But it’s how you think & the meaning you attach to those setbacks that makes all the difference.

In today’s episode, we’ll explore 3 key questions to ask yourself so you avoid attaching negative meanings or beliefs in these situations:

1.    Is this really true?

2.    What am I making this mean?

3.    Is this meaning helpful to me & my business?



Useful Links:

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Unlock your Entrepreneurial Superpower with Wealth Dynamics – Episode 3

By Your Business Quest Podcast

In this episode we’ll dive into the powerful profiling tool called Wealth Dynamics that I use with every single client.

You’ll hear a high level overview of the 8 profiles & how it can help you to unlock your Entrepreneurial Superpower.

I’ll dive into the 5 key reasons why I love it, including:

  1. How it integrates with the 3 elements of my Business Magic Formula(TM)
  2. How it will help you to experience more flow & magic in your business
  3. Why it will enable you to focus on growing your business in the best way for you
  4. Why it’s more than just a profiling tool but can help you with different phases in your business
  5. How it can help you to collaborate & work even better with others

I strongly recommend that you take the Wealth Dynamics profile here:



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