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Collaborations to help you grow your business – The Do’s & Don’ts

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I hope you’re well & are having a productive day.

Earlier this week, a client of mine Sarah asked a very thought provoking question all about collaborations in business.

It got me thinking about just how much collaborations have helped me over the years to grow my business & also add value to other people!

Instead of just sharing my thoughts on this important topic on a blog post or a ‘normal’ video or podcast …. I decided to bring it to life using Periscope earlier today!

Watch the replay to see how collaborations may be just the ticket to help you too!  Plus lots of tips on what to avoid doing too!

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During this informal ‘chat’, I talk about:

  • Why real connections & relationships count.
  • Add value first!
  • Thinking of the long-term.
  • Playing to your strengths & collaborating with others who have different Wealth Dynamics & Talent Dynamics profiles compared to you.
  • How you feel about the word ‘Competitor’.
  • When NOT to collaborate!
  • My real-life experience of when it’s went well & not so well.

I plan to do a lot more Periscopes ‘off the cuff’, in addition to my weekly Rapid Transformation resources that I create.

Be sure to download the Periscope app (available for Apple & Android devices) & be sure to follow me: @osmaan_sharif

You’ll then be able to watch & participate live, or watch the replays that are only available for a few hours after it’s been broadcasted.

Let me know what key insights you’ve gotten from this hot topic in the comments below and also another others suggestions you have for future insights you’d like me to shine the spotlight on.

Enjoy the rest of your week & speak again soon.

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