My 17th birthday was approaching & I was super excited.
I had the day planned months & months in advance.
I was preparing for it & counting down the days.
I couldn’t sleep much the night before, as my head was buzzing.
Because on that very special day & had booked to go & sit an EXAM!
Yep … sad I know … but I sat my driving theory test on my birthday morning.
I swotted beforehand & even paid extra to get my results there & then.
Because that meant I could call the driving test centre & ask, ‘When is your next available practical test date?’
And it was in 5 weeks, so I booked it there & then … even before I had my first official driving lesson on the road!
Cause I was committed & so wanted my freedom!
The next 5 weeks were filled with practice & actual driving everywhere I could!
And then before I knew it, the actual practical test date rolled around.
It’s funny, when you think about some of those past personal goals you went after, isn’t it?
Because there’s so many things that we did to make that happen ….. that we can simply forget to do when it comes to our business goals!
So in this week’s podcast episode, I take you on a trip down memory lane back nearly 22 years ago, on what learning to drive has helped me to see, could also be applied when driving forward in business.
Tune in today & see if I passed or failed my practical driving test after only 5 weeks of starting lessons.
Plus, I’m sure it will give you lots of key tips that can help you to reflect back on your past experiences & goals, so you can see if you’re using those strategies just now or not in your business too!