Setting goals is the easy part.
You just grab your new notebook, make a cuppa of your favourite brew & let your imagination run wild.
So what happens after you’ve creating your dream life & business?
The reality hits!
You’ve then got to show up & do the work … day in & day out … even when you don’t really feel like it.
It’s easy to do that when you’re hitting those milestones & feeling that progress is happening.
But when that’s not your actual reality … it can be hard!
And that’s when it’s so easy to give up on those goals & stop taking action.
So how do you get out your way & keep the faith, so you can continue to grow your business …. especially when it’s feeling like it’s taking much longer than you’d like?
That’s exactly what the wonderful Wendy Griffith & I chat about in this week’s podcast episode. (Along with revealing why Wendy nearly caused a scandal in my life … listen in to hear why!)
I know you’re an ambition & driven individual like Wendy, so that means that you’re going to love her honest perspectives on how she juggles many competing priorities & keeps going when things aren’t all ‘Instagram-glam’ behind the scenes.
Listen in to the podcast to hear the full conversation.
Enjoy & as always let me know what your biggest … ‘Thanks Osmaan … I really needed to hear that’ moment is, by sending me a quick reply to this email.
Here’s the extra links & resources for this episode:
* Connect with Wendy on her website ; Instagram; Facebook Page; Facebook Tribe; LinkedIn
* Wendy mentioned Rachel Hollis’s latest book ‘Girl Stop Apologising’ & the Wunderlist app
* What is your Entrepreneurial Superpower? Wendy is a Supporter. I’m a Trader. Which of the 8 Wealth Dynamics profiles you are more aligned with?
*Discover which business growth block is holding you back by taking this free quiz.