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4 Insights from Overcoming Pain

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I hurt my back last week & it really couldn’t have happened at a worse time.


Even though it was a pain in the neck … well back to be preciseI got 4 valuable business lessons from it!


I recorded a Facebook LIVE to share them with you so check it out below.

Here’s a quick preview:


  • The very awkward moment when Elizabeth (the sport massage magician) asked me to take off my clothes the first time I met her & why it shows that people out there are watching what you’re doing …. even if you don’t realise it!


  • We all have a ‘Go To’ person when we need to get something sorted.   Who are you the ‘Go To’ person for in people’s minds?


  • All too often we try to sort the pain from where it’s sore! But that’s just the symptom … you need to go much deeper than that & get stuck into the root!


  • Are you always looking for a quick-fix or way to cure that challenge or problem v.s. looking to prevent it from happening again over the long-haul?


I’m sure you’ll get some laughs & useful tips too, so be sure to check it out the video & let me know insights you get from it.

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