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Hoping for an overnight success?

By Blog, Business, Mindset

“Who’s your latest business ‘crush’ on?” When you realise that they aren’t anymore extra special than you … it can really help you stop a lot of the rubbish that goes around in your mind & instead focus on YOU! Focus on taking action that will help YOU, YOUR business & YOUR customers or clients!

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B&W or Colour HD? – Mission Possible

By Blog, Design, Mission Possible

B&W Or Colour Hd? Can you really imagine watching a full movie that is all fuzzy & looking really ‘old school’ now? When it comes to focusing on what you want to achieve & experience in your business … it’s got to be super-super-super HD! When you can picture your future visions, goals & projects with real clarity, focus & sharpness – it makes it seem so much more realistic in your mind.

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What is the intention?

By Blog, NLP Insights

Feeling frustrated because things don’t feel like they’re moving fast enough for you? Get the balance right, as it’s just as bad to be slap-dash, cut corners & go live with a project! Apply this as if you are creating a new website. Consider what would be the first impression of your potential customers.

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Considering a change?

By Audio Podcast, Design

Considering a Change?
If you’re considering a change in your business, career or job –then it’s time for us to have a ‘chat’ – just you & me! Here’s some of a peek at what I chat through in the podcast: A practical way to start to figure out what you want NOW in your working life! What to do if instead you’re up for an OVERHAUL! It’s all about choice – so are you choosing to choose what you want?

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Do you have a big enough WHY?

By Audio Podcast, Design, Mindset

When it comes to setting your GOALS – have you got your WHY clear?
One of the key things to really make sure your goals become REAL – is to spend time to think about your ‘WHY’ behind them! It’ll help inspire the design of your goals and also make sure that you keep on going – even if challenges or obstacles come up. Listen To This Audio Podcast & Learn More About WHY It’s Important To Know Your WHY!

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What’s it going to take?

By Audio Podcast, Mindset

What’s it going to take?
If you want great answers to help solve challenges … you need to ask the right questions!
Play this audio to bring this blog post to life for you even more.
If you’re looking to get MORE, BETTER or DIFFERENT from your work, job, career or business … then give me a shout and we can talk about how I can help you make this happen.

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You’re Fired!

By Mindset, RT-TV

You’re Fired!
How would you feel & what’s your gut reaction?
The longer you leave not doing anything about it, the more days you’ll be wasting not doing what is right for you. So even if it’s a step by step approach, of you getting clearer about what you’d do instead and then taking action day-by-day to make it happen. This may be learning a new skill; getting different experiences; studying; developing your business ideas & plan or simply getting out there & applying for new jobs – just start doing it from today!

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