Instead of speeding your business growth, if you try to run because you can really walk, you can end up tripping yourself up & slowing things down!
Instead of speeding your business growth, if you try to run because you can really walk, you can end up tripping yourself up & slowing things down!
After experiencing a setback, it’s so easy to crave things to go back to ‘normal’! But what positives has the experience brought to life that you can decide to keep & weave into your future goals?
Life isn’t always filled with rainbows & unicorns, at times it can be tough! Instead of ignoring those time & how you feel, it can be helpful to acknowledge it & then decide if you want to stay in that place or move into a more positive mindset.
It’s easy to set goals. But the reality of achieving goals can be somewhat differently. That’s why keeping the faith is key to help you continuing to take action, so you can grow your business.
You’ll always have problems in business & that’s a good thing. As long as they are better quality problems each time! So what kind of problems are you facing?
Stop looking & thinking the same way, because you’ll only see the same things! Instead see how you can use Edward de Bono’s 6 Thinking Hats to help you overcome a challenge.
Your mindset impacts everything in your business. Discover if you’ve got a growth or fixed mindset in your business & how to make it more consistently on the growth side!
When the unexpected happens, it can change everything. But it’s how you bounce back & move on that makes the difference. In this episode, I share 7 key lessons I’ve taken from going through a challenging time after a freak accident.
“I’m sorry about my son”, isn’t exactly the words you want to hear after 2 days married!But who can blame her, after what I just did!
What are you putting off & not doing today?
Yes you may have many reasons or excuses for not doing it.
But what will happen if you don’t?