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How many iPhones have there been?

By Blog, Design, Mindset

How Many Iphones Have There Been?
What were you doing 8 years ago? Have you been improving and creating better ‘versions’ of you & your business? Read more to make sure you’re not standing still!

You can’t figure it all out from where you currently are!
You need to be in motion & evolve things as you go!
Have fun taking the next ONE step that will help you move things forward in your business & life.

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Ask the Coach – Part 1

By Audio Podcast, Strategies

‘A problem shared is a problem halved’ ….
…. so how can I help coach you through your current problems or challenges?
If you have a specific question that you would like to get me to mull over & then give you some of my coaching insights around, then please do take advantage of the ‘Ask the Coach’ opportunity, as I’ll be taking time to do another Q&A podcast very soon.

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Time: Are you spending it wisely?

By Audio Podcast, NLP Insights

Time: Are You Spending It Wisely?
If you had ‘time’ in a bank instead of money – would you spend it differently?
Listen to this latest RT-Podcast and see how the Hollywood may open up your mind & eyes to a new way of thinking! Time is one thing that we all have in common, with the same 24 hours available each day. But it’s what you use that time for that truly makes a difference. Start to design more compelling goals for your future!

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How to feel confident instantly!

By NLP Insights, RT-TV

How To Feel Confident Instantly?

How would it be if you could have a magic button, which would help you feel more confident (or any other positive feeling) in an instant?
I’ll show you how to do that using the power of NLP!
Watch this bumper RT-TV episode to see step by step how to install an ANCHOR!
Have fun using this simple technique into lots of different situations & for the positive feelings that will serve you most.

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Change your frame = Change your MEANING!

By NLP Insights, RT-TV

Change Your Frame-Change Your Meaning

Have you ever wondered how the way you’re feeling about something, could be down to the meaning you’ve attached to it?
Watch this super short episode of RT-TV to discover how to put to good use the NLP tool called Reframing!
By actually stopping & asking yourself ‘What else could this mean?’ – it helps you to become more flexible and give yourself options to think about things in a different way – rather than generalising things & jumping to assumptions that may not be true in reality!

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Stop saying that you’ll TRY!

By Mindset, RT-TV, Strategies

Do you sometimes kid yourself on that you’ll do something – when you know you deep down that it ain’t going to happen?
One little word can really make the difference for you!
Give yourself 135 seconds to watch this episode of RT-TV to find out how to DO more!
Realize that those that you really do want to do, you can then spend the time & actually DO THEM!

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Need to know it all?

By Education, Mindset, RT-TV

Need To Know It All
Do you feel the need to ‘know it all’ before even getting off the starting blocks?
When you’re starting to do something different, such as a new task; activity; hobby; project; business or career, you don’t have to become an expert or professional at it straight away!
It can often take time to get things to be ‘perfect’ (if ‘perfect’ even exists) or at least to the standards & performance levels that you want it to be.
Give yourself that little nudge or big kick and just get started and do it!

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Really communicate with your communication!

By NLP Insights, RT-TV

Really Communicate With Your Communication
Do you sometimes feel like people are talking to you in a strange language that you can’t make sense of?
Mastering communication is such an important skill. Without doing so – you could be making life so much harder for you by not being able to building rapport with others quickly and not be able to market or convey your ideas & messages with your customers or colleagues effectively.
Watch this episode and bring this key insight from the NLP toolkit to life!

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Letting go of worry & anxiety

By Mindset, NLP Insights, RT-TV, Strategies

Letting Go Of Worry & Anxiety
Have you ever felt anxious about something – it’s not a nice feeling is it? It could be about a certain event that is just around the corner – like a test; an interview or a big important meeting!
Check out this super quick strategy to combat those nasty feelings!
And have fun kicking away any feelings of anxiety that you experience from now on – by remembering to FOCUS UPON WHAT YOU WANT TO HAPPEN!

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