If you feel like you’re spinning lots of projects & tasks, then you need to make sure set yourself up for success for being productive.
When you quickly calculate your hourly rate, you’ll see if you’re spending your time wisely or not! It’s a real eye opener – promise!
Stop wasting your time & focus on where you can add the most value in your business, by shifting some of your ‘to-do’ tasks to your ‘stop doing’ list today.
Jo Bendle gets right to the core of how to super charge your productivity (and it’s now what you think!)
Are you really being productive with the time your spending in your business? Use these 3 practical strategies, to increase your concentration & productivity levels today.
“Have you ever had one of those days where you’ve got loads of things to complete on your ‘to-do’ list but you just aren’t being productive?” There are so many different ways that you can mix things up to do different tasks or activities in different places or even in different way. Mix Up Your Environment.