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Hoping for an overnight success?

By Blog, Business, Mindset

“Who’s your latest business ‘crush’ on?” When you realise that they aren’t anymore extra special than you … it can really help you stop a lot of the rubbish that goes around in your mind & instead focus on YOU! Focus on taking action that will help YOU, YOUR business & YOUR customers or clients!

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Are you admiring the wrong people?

By Blog, NLP Insights

Are You Admiring The Wrong People? Do you ever look at other people and think, ‘gosh I wish I was more like them!’, as they seem to have their ‘stuff’ together & are getting amazing results? Enjoy getting to know YOU even more & then choosing more people who are like YOU to admire & learn from – as this is key for you to both LOVE what you do & get amazing results in your working life.

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What’s it going to take?

By Audio Podcast, Mindset

What’s it going to take?
If you want great answers to help solve challenges … you need to ask the right questions!
Play this audio to bring this blog post to life for you even more.
If you’re looking to get MORE, BETTER or DIFFERENT from your work, job, career or business … then give me a shout and we can talk about how I can help you make this happen.

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