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Can you believe today is THE day when Marty Mcfly & Doc Brown jumped into the Dolorean & took a trip 30 years into the future to… ‘21st October 2015’

That’s kind of scary right?

I remember watching those movies over & over again … wondering what it would be like to have flying cars & hover boards all around us.

Ok we’re not quite there with some of the technology … YET!

But Doc Brown recorded a short 50 second video to mark this very special day … it’s definitely worth a watch!

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It’s so true what he says …

“Your future is whatever you make it.  So make it a good one”.

That means it’s totally down to you to create the future you want (& me to create my future).

Imagine you were to go into your time machine & visit your future in 1 years time & then say 3 years time!  What would you be proud of having experiences & created in your life & business?  Share it in the comments below.

And if you ever wish you could pop back into the past to change some of those ‘not-so-positive’ events or memories …. well I have some great news for you!  There’s a coaching tool that I use with lots of my clients to help them do just that.

Well not physically … but it does change how they thinking & feel about that ‘baggage’ … which then effectively changes your present & future as a result!  Neat don’t you think?

Have fun taking control, writing your own future & then making it happen.

Best wishes

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p.s. – The next Rapid Transformation Book Club in Glasgow is just around the corner … find out what we’re reading & come join us for it.