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Get Out Your Way Podcast

The Surprising Truth about being Super Productive with Jo Bendle – 008

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If you asked a productivity coach for some tips on being even more productive, you’d expect some super cool ninja tactics right?


So you can imagine my shock when Jo Bendle gave me a very expected response, when I asked her that question.


You’re honestly in for a real treat when you tune into the lively conversation that we had, for this week’s podcast.


Inside you’ll get to hear how Jo’s business journey has evolved through experimentation & what can happen when you hit a goal that you’ve been striving for.


You’ll get to see what the surprising truth is behind truly making things happen & I honestly think you’ll breathe a sigh of relief … because it’s something YOU can do right NOW.


Jo also shared a quote that’s zoomed up the charts as being one of my all time favourites now …. so much so that I asked her to share it not just once but twice for you!


Instead of thinking …. ‘This sounds great Osmaan, I’ll come back & listen to it at some point’ … do yourself & your business a big favour & tune in right now.


As always after listening to it, jump over to the Free Facebook group & share what key actions you’re going to take as a result.


Here’s the links & resources for this episode:

* Take the FREE Business Growth Blocks Quiz here:
* Find out what your Entrepreneurial Superpower by taking the Wealth Dynamics test.
* Join the FREE Facebook Group to access other resources & connect with like-minded business owners here:
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Best wishes as always & enjoy taking action.

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P.S – This episode perfectly compliments the previous podcast episode 006, so enjoy experiencing the amazing results & impact of being super productive.