‘Why am I so weird?’
‘Am I being ‘too much’?’ … ‘Should I tone it down?’
‘Oh but they’re doing it much better than me’, I need to change & ramp things up because ‘I’m obviously not enough’
We as humans in general can be our own worst enemies. But when you add in the layer of being business owners, filled with our personalities; beliefs & approaches …. it all becomes even more ‘interesting’ … (one of my favourite words that says so much & so little at the same time!)
Because let’s be honest … at times I’m sure you’ve felt like you’re just different … and because of that … you feel a bit (or a lot) ‘weird’.
You know when everyone is saying to do it ‘this way’ & you’re confuzzled because that way makes no sense to you … but you’re worried about being different & going against the norm.
Well today, let’s get one thing straight … we often think we’re ‘weirder’ than we actually are & in fact … our ‘weirdness’ can actually & should just be normal for us!
I recently had the utter pleasure of having a deep & meaningful chat with my good friend Marianne Cantwell about why it’s so so so important to allow ourselves to truly be ourselves!
And the super cool thing is, that when you adopt a Free Range Human’s approach, then your weirdness can actually truly be your edge!
And the even better news is that you can eavesdrop into the juicy conversation we had (& be with us) by listening to this week’s podcast episode.
You’ll get to hear us share our personal experiences of when we’ve felt ‘weird’ or different from others too. And Marianne shares some unconventional approaches to finding what you really have to offer, in a way that will work for YOU & YOUR personality.
Plus, today we get to celebrates the fact that Marianne has officially given birth to the 2nd and massively updated edition of her amazing book … Be a Free Range Human! I know you’re going to want to get your eyes, ears, mind & heart all over it – so check it out & get your own copy today.
Enjoy … I already know you will & I promise you that for sure!
Here’s the extra links & resources for this episode:
* What is your Entrepreneurial Superpower? Marianne is a Star & I am a Trader. Find out which of the 8 Wealth Dynamics profiles you are more aligned with?
* Buy Marianne’s new book – Be a Free Range Human here.
* Connect with Marianne on her website here & on Instagram @freerangemarianne
*Discover which business growth block is holding you back by taking this free quiz.